The Bais-NORSU head Dr Don Vicente Real has been elected by its board of regents as the second president of the Negros Oriental State University. He succeeded Dr. Henry A Sojor who effectively retired last Friday the 13th of July. Dr Real assumed on the same day.
When it was clear that the competition was only between a rising local school administrator and a University of the Philippines-Davao Librarian, outgoing Negros Oriental State University President Dr. Henry Sojor decided to “cast his lot with the Baisanon for displaying all the potentials of great leadership.”
Thus, with six other members of the Board of Regents, in particular Dumaguete City Councilor Nilo Duran Sayson, representing Senator Edgardo Angara and Atty. Jun Orquillas, NORSU Bais Administrator Dr. Don Vicente C. Real, was elected 2nd President with a fixed term from July 12, 2012 to July 13, 2016. The official result of the secret voting was 7-4.
Conscious of the very heavy responsibility imposed on him, PresidentReal appealed to all factions within the 9-campus system, to give him a chance and unite under his leadership so that the mission and vision of the university can be achieved and its growth not derailed.
Real concedes that professional rivalry particularly in the main campus of Dumaguete City is quite serious and upon the prodding of Councilor Sayson indicated his willingness to have a dialogue with the varied factions in order to address their concerns if found valid and secure their cooperation.
It helps that Real is not a major player in the main campus’ long-running feud, thus he is seen as a president with no oldscores to settle among the faculty and staff. He offered the olive branch despite the widespread belief that the Faculty and student representatives to the 11-member Board of Regents did not vote for him but to Dr. Briccio Merced Jr.
Pursuant to his proposed development goals for NORSU, Real will ensure the delivery of quality instruction, institutionalize the culture of research, extend relevant extension programs, provide scholarships, establish new campuses particularly in Bayawan-Sta-Catalina, establish the College of Criminal Justice Education, revitalize the involvement of alumni, adopt and implement socialize scheme of tuition and school fees for greater access to poor but deserving students, additional fringe and non-fringe benefits for the faculty and staff, among others.
The new NORSU President is related to the old and honorable Real clan from Bais and Dumaguete cities and started his teaching profession at the former Genaro Goni Memorial College which was subsequently absorbed by the NORSU system as the administrator of Bais campus until his election to the loftiest position.
Relatively young, Real, 46, became College Dean at the age of 26, vows one or two terms as NORSU President would be enough for him. He completed his doctorate degree in education at Foundation University and is now finishing his doctorate in applied linguistics.

The newly-minted university president acknowledged that his position requires him to deal with politicians, however, Real, whose clan is related to the political Pinili, Teves and Carballo families, his brother is currently the number one councilor of Bais, stressed that while he holds politicians in high regard, he will not allow them to use his position for partisan ends or dictate him on how to administer the system with a 22,000-strong student body.
Amid some criticisms, Real has been unabashed in his admiration of Dr. Sojor fueling speculation that his presidency will just be a mere extension of his predecessor.
“I am here to honor Dr. Sojor’s legacy by improving and strengthening it, he is our father, I am not about to compete or overshadow his accomplishments. You cannot be faulted for idolizing somebody worthy of emulation,” Dr. Real asserted.
To do that, Dr. Real needs only to heed to the advice of Councilor Sayson, one of his most ardent defenders from start of the selection process up to the end, which resulted to his elevation to the presidency: strive to make his leadership Christ-centered; he must be a leader who listens and one who practices what he preach.
So many words of advice, felicitations and platitudes have been shared, but the journey for a better NORSU continues; it is high time for Dr. Don Vicente Real to walk the talk. He must chart the course of this state university ultimately according to his terms, of which the results will either prove or negate Dr. Sojor’s prophecy.
- ( Visayan Daily Star )
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